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Advertise with ROQ FM

How you can ROQ your way to new customers and clients with ROQ FM.

Ask about our competitive radio rates

Get your national business or brand name messaging heard by thousands of unique ROQ FM listeners across the country through our digital platforms.
With our strict 60-second limit commercial break policy, unlike other stations, on ROQ FM your brand really does stand out from the crowd. Or you can become an exclusive sponsor of one of ROQ FM's regular on-air features, all at a fraction of the cost traditional commercial broadcasters demand.

Contact ROQ FM to learn more about our extremely competitive radio rates.
You can submit an enquiry using the form below, or email us at:

Contact ROQ FM sales crew who are here to craft creative solutions for our businesses of all sizes, helping brands target and connect with our national audience in a unique and powerful way.


Contact us through the form below to learn more about your chance to boost your brand at very competitive radio rates18.

Thanks for your enquiry. The ROQ FM Sales Team will be in touch shortly.

© 2020 EXALT Media Pty Ltd

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